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Workshop Shelter on Koolan Island | DomeShelter

Koolan Iron Ore required another “Workshop Area” to add to their many existing DomeShelter™ Structures on site. This time they required a large 25m wide x 34m long area mounted on 2 containers high in Region D for their large dump trucks and other mining equipment.

The desired outcome was to facilitate quick and efficient servicing to minimise downtime, whilst providing a safe and cool environment, protected from the elements, where staff could perform their tasks.

Koolan Iron Ore mine site container shelter

A durable DomeShelter™ Structure was the obvious choice, having already been tried and tested in the harsh conditions on this island. The Sales Team along with the design department worked hard with their engineers and the client to come up with a great design solution, including a special mounting rail to incorporate the installation of their new high powered communications aerial.

mine site container dome shelter heavy vehicle workshop

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